Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Gorgonnut --- A Healthy Solution

Gorgon nut are also a good source of protein, iron and zinc, which makes them extremely nutritious. Along with it, the seeds have a natural flavonoid which prevents inflammation.Gorgon nut have an astringent property which benefits the kidneys and helps to restore vital energy within the body. It is useful for heart because of its bitter and cooling properties. Also it can help dilate blood vessels, thus reducing blood pressure. Since gorgon nut seeds are high in fiber, it helps to avoid constipation. Also they help the body to remove the waste; prevent the accumulation of toxins.  Gorgon nut seeds are low in calories, fat and high in fiber and thus helpful in diabetes. It lowers the blood sugar level. Gorgon nut are recommended for women during pregnancy and post natal weakness; helps in female infertility. Gorgon nut can be digested by all age groups. They are a healthy snack for children. Just roast the seeds a bit and add a pinch of salt.



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